Fraud Attack Risks

Fraud can take many forms. Learn to identify and protect yourself against common risks.

Account Takeover

One of the common ways that fraudsters commit scams is through cyber account takeover – the ability to take control of an online account by stealing a user's login credentials or hijacking an online session. Once in control of an account, a fraudster can steal funds by initiating outgoing wires or ACH transactions, which can be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to recover if not identified quickly.

ACH Debit Fraud

ACH debit fraud occurs when a third party initiates an unauthorized electronic withdrawal from their victim’s account. All the fraudster needs is the account number and bank routing number, which are readily available on any check. Using a vendor’s online payment functionality, the fraudster enters the account number and bank routing number as his own, and pays his bill.

Because the ACH codes typically used for these types of payments categorize them as “consumer” transactions, the ACH Network allows a longer timeframe for returns of unauthorized debits, so these fraudulent transactions are often recovered. However, ACH debit still has the potential for significant losses.

Check Fraud

Check fraud accounts for the largest financial losses across all types of fraud. The information needed to commit check fraud is readily available on any legitimate check payment or bank statement. Checks or statements are intercepted in the mail, or payroll or vendor checks may be “sold” to fraudsters. A business has a very short window (the next business day) to reject an unauthorized check posted to its account and ensure the funds are recovered.

Check Fraud Variations

  • Alteration – changing the payee name, the check amount or both. A fraudster intercepts a check and uses a "washing" technique to remove information such as the payee or amount. The fraudster inserts new information and cashes the check under the falsified name. The check flows through the banking system as normal using the original account and bank routing numbers.
  • Counterfeit – a fake check created using a company's actual account and bank routing numbers. Using commonly available printing technology, the fraudster creates a check, with or without the company's logo, and inserts a payee name and amount. Check stock security features, while important, only help protect against check alternations, not counterfeits.
  • Payee Endorsement – a fraudster intercepts a check, forges the payee's endorsement and deposits or cashes it. The check could even be deposited electronically without any endorsement at all. The theft may remain undetected for weeks or months until the intended payee follows up on the missing payment.
  • Lost or Stolen Checks – Issued checks and new blank check stock are easily stolen from an unsecured postal mailbox, giving the scammer the raw materials to perpetuate check fraud.