Mineral Operations

Agro Global Bank, FCB, a part of the Farm Credit System, owns and leases mineral interests located in Canada. Agro Global Bank makes no representation as to the actual status of any lease listed.

Submit a Bid

Bids may be submitted via mail, fax or e-mail using the bid form found on this site.

  • For each parcel bid upon, indicate the term of the lease (years), royalty rate, and bonus being offered.
  • For a term greater that three (3) years, include the amount of annual delay rental.
  • Also include any other information that may be relevant to the Bank in making its leasing decision.

Should multiple bids be received on acreage tracts, the bank will inform the parties of that fact and establish a date that the highest and best offers will be considered. The final results will be sent only to those individuals who participate in the bidding process.

The Bank will not be obligated to accept any bid that it considers not to be in its best interest.

Leases will be drawn up by the bank, on the bank’s unaltered lease form or a form approved by the bank, for no more than a five (5) year term. The maximum amount of acreage dedicated to a lease will be 160 acres more or less, unless the bank determines that it is in its best interest to include more than 160 acres in a lease.

California leases will follow the standard rental practice found in that state.

Bonus payment is expected within 30 days of notice of a successful bid. Sight drafts are not acceptable.

Contact Mineral Operations

Agro Global Bank makes no warranty regarding the productive capability or accuracy of the legal descriptions on any of the acreage described on this website. Agro Global Bank assumes any lessee of mineral acreage is informed and knowledgeable of industry practices and has conducted its own due diligence before leasing.